Sunday, 21 February 2016

Further analysis on Vibe magazine

About Vibe
Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Qunicy Jones, lunched in 1993. The publication predominately features R&B and Hip-Hop music artist, actors and other entertainers. Production shut down in Summer 2009, however Vibe purchased by private equity InterMedia Partners. It is now issued quarterly with double covers, with a larger online presence. 

Th magazine's target audience demographic is predominately young followers of R&B culture between the ages of 18-34. Vibe magazine's distribution is largely through Vibe's very own website however it can be found at selected stores.  

Analysis Vibe magazine
This cover of Vibe magazine used of rich and bold colour scheme, which emphasises Vibe's serious approach to music. The lack of variation in colour and excessive use of image allows the cover lines and main image to stand out and speak for themselves. This means the audience are drawn in and the attention is only on the music and artist. The target audience are young yet in a muter period. The audience are serious about music and wanting to be aware of both the music and and background of the artist. - this is successful and made accessible for the target audience as Vibe is mature, in depth music magazine. 

The house style for this issue consists of the colours red, black, grey and white. These are bold colours and the there arrangement allowed each element to stand out. Not only that, but the reflect the target audience as these colours are far from bright and bubbly colours which are often found on magazines for younger audience. The contrast of the masthead Vibe is considered serious whilst remaining sleek. The contrast is also being incorporates everything into the product they deliver. The bottom of the lettering for the name has a fading effect into the white background and creates a professional, interesting look merging the masthead and background into one. this also suggest the masthead it will known therefore people do not need to see it all in order to know or read the name. this is reinforced due to the main image covering the masthead. 

as for the main image it is very seductive, however Ciara's expression is playful which suggest this magazines appeals to both males and females. Even though there is a more masculine edge to this particular edition. The lack for props in this image and the plain white background allows the image to speak for itself. The use of Ciara being a singer in her twenties puts her in the prime position to be considered an icon/inspiration, if not already by the target audience of Vibe and so they can find her engaging. She is an R&B artist and again fitting for the genre of the magazine and the young people audience as to which having someone relevant allows existing audience as well as potential readers to be aware of what Vibe has to offer. 

The pull out quote, "i'm not gonna hold back too much" this shows the familiarity between both the artists and target audience. it also grabs the audience attention allowing them to want to buy the magazine in order to find out more and what this famous quote is about. It is also related to  the main cover line we know this because it is said by the artist and her name is the main cover line. Also it is placed straight underneath the main cover line. In terms of colour the quotation marks in a different colour which is red where as the text is in black this makes it really stand out and show the audience it is a quote. 

The cover lines- these are used to features to the magazine beside the main image and its article. Although these are not the focal part of the front cover they are just as important and are presented clear and bold enough gaining an interests and wider audience. he variation of size of text makes a contrast between each article being advertised and so some will stand out more than others depending on the importance. To grab the audience attention. 

The masthead page follows other music magazines. This is because they have included part of the masthead in the contents page. For Vibe magazine they have added the letter ‘V’ with the background instead of having the full masthead at the top of the page. However, they do not always do this, because I have research and looked a lot more Vibe contents pages and at times they have both. For example, the masthead they place it in small at the top corner with the date underneath. I really like this idea and I may use it as inspiration for my magazine. Vibe magazine have two contents page however I am only analysing one because I will only be creating one. This is because my target audience are much younger therefore I having to many pages and repetitive loaded information may confuse them and they can get bored. Also as my magazine will consist of 60 pages therefore it should all fit into one contents page, whereas Vibe had around 100 pages.

The title of the contents page follows the house style as the colour is white. This is a convention because it shows the magazine It is professional and not too busy, it also allows the audience to easily tell which page is which and go through the magazine smoothly without any confusion.  The layout of this with the word ‘Contents’ broken up into sections adds an edge to the page and allowing Vibe to follow the conventions but yet develop it in their own way.  As for the backgrounds similar to the front cover this is because the black, white and grey colours merge together. Also the little use of props other images allows the central focus to be that of the image and content list.

The main image is of Ciara again, however in a different style and pose. She is laying down in heels and a body suit. This reveals her leg, which continues the initial mood that this issue will reveal information untold. The position of Ciara has her main body against the white/light grey section of the background this highlights her and put her at the attention of the readers. This also shows the readers the importance of her in this issue and so they are attentive as she is clearly the main selling point. The body suit worn by the artist I grey fitted with a nude belt; this fits into the house style and makes the overall image look a lot more professional. The consistency of the house style allows the page to flow from one to another. Often as I have seen in other contents page we normally see large writing of the editor’s in place. However, with Vibe magazine they do not include this typical feature and so we know the Vibe challenges some conventions and likes to be unique. I also like this feature which I may use for my contents page. Which suggests it’s a magazine that allows the artists and music to speak for themselves.

As for the contents list, it is a very basic and straight forward point with little use of sub-headings. This makes the magazine easy to navigate through and avoids any complications when reading the features in the magazine. The style also fits into the house style and keeps an edgy and professional look. Avoiding too much colour keeps the contents looking mature and serious therefore readers will take this and read it. The two sub-headings are following by a small list of page numbers as to which each has a small caption of information about that specific article. The key words are highlighted in bold, this feature is used by magazines, this is because readers will be attracted to it instantly. Allowing them to have an idea about what the article will include instantly. For example ‘a band’ this will avoid them having to read the rest of the information as through this they will instantly know the article is of a band. The layout is very basic which enables the users to easily read through the contents and it is also clear and easily visible.  

For the main image of Ciara one (large image) is continued from the front cover. Even though she is not in the same pose as she is standing up. She is revealing even more skin as she holds her hand to her face. this reflects the main cover line 'stand up! Ciara'. This shows us as viewer she is putting herself in a vulnerable position as shes poses nude. However, it suggests that she stood up to reveal and speak something, which isn't easy to tell. For this image including props/costume, as for this image nudity, allows the mood from the front cover to follow onto her article. This keeps the professional look as it is consistent and she now reveals more skin relating to her revealing the truth. At the same time she looks seductive due to the heels, and the way she has posed. For the second image, this is different to the first image and front cover, as she is wearing a white shirt and look happy which shows a lot more energetic and displays her personality. By wearing a white shirt follows the house style keeping a professional look from page to page. 

The background following what we saw in the front cover and contents page the colour is grey/white. This is because the page is about Ciara and so it needs to follow the other pages of her. However, the main lighting is around the text as to which Ciara is interviewed and speaks to the magazine. The use of white suggests positivity, this link to Ciara as she speaks of her new music venture. Without the use of colour or props this prides an intimate mood and without anything in the readers distraction, as it will only be about Ciara. 

The layout is very spaced out and avoids a busy look. Just like the front cover, contents page this double page spread also looks very simplistic and each text and image is identifiable. the Sub-heading and bold text helps to make the key information for each section stand out. This is easy to identified as to what information can be found in each section. The house style remains the same, although it does include an additional of yellow bold text. This makes the double page spread stand out a little more, and adds a little more energy to the text, along side with Ciara's playful side as we see in one of the images. 

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