Thursday, 12 May 2016

Preliminary task and Main task




Last week, I finished all my 7 evaluations and the construction of my three pages front cover, contents page and double page spread, this enabled my teacher to give me some improvements for my work. This week,  I have been focusing on making these corrections to my work. The improvements include:

- Adding more content pages for my contents pages, as I have a very little amount. This is so the page looks more professional and realistic. 

- Manipulate part of the image, this includes making the hand smoother, which enabled the image to look more professional and less obvious that it has been Photo-shopped. 

- I will also need to add the date underneath the masthead on the same page, this is because it will make it look more realistic and qualified. This is because every small detail will add to the perfection of the page. 

The screen shots beside show the steps of how I have improved my contents page. I first began by selecting the 'eraser tool' and the adjusting the size and hardness of the brush depending on how I want it to be. In the case I made the brush medium and hardness low as I didn't want to rub everything off, I just needed to fade the elbow of the hand. I then just simply pressing in the area I want and it made it less shape, which allowed the hand to look much better and less shown that it is manipulated. I then began by adding more contents. This is because the amount I had was to little therefore it didn't look professional. The screen shots shows how I have gradually added more until, I had enough contents on the page. When I finished, I then moved on to adding the date underneath the masthead. This is because it is a convention that I needed to add. The colour I choose is black as this is simple, can be see but  doesn't distract the audiences. The font is the same as whole content is the page which is 'Calibri'. I kept it the same because it makes the contents page more professional and gives it a sense of continuity.

The image below shows how the contents page looked before after the improvements:


Monday, 2 May 2016

Evaluation 7


During the process of the AS media year, I believe that I have definitely improved from the preliminary task to the main task. Even though the brief wasn't always the same, For example, the preliminary task involved producing a front cover and contents page for a school/college magazine. Whereas the main task the objective was for me to produce a front cover, contents page and double page spread for my music magazine. I managed to stay focused on the objective: to produce a professional looking product which is enough to look as though it would sell in local stores and other outlets.

Th preliminary task was definitely very helpful in terms of preparing myself for the main task. It allowed me to experiment with main different publishing programs such as InDesign and Photoshop which was definitely necessary in being able to produce a professional outcome, 

Through the presentations below, I have compared the complete product of the preliminary task with the complete product of the main task to investigate how much I have developed my skills and my work:

Evaluation 6


I have used many various programs through the journey of creating my magazine, which allowed me to learn many different technologies. This has allowed me to develop and use new skills, which will help me a lot in the future. In this presentation shows the different amount of technologies I have used:

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Evaluation 5


In addition an important feature that I have included in my double page, which will attract my audience is the use of language, which I referred back to existing magazine such as Vibe or Billboard. For example following the separation of the page, image on one side and text on the other, also the use of alternation for the title, which definitely attracts the audience to stop and look at it especially because it relates to the artist as seen from the image. For the subheading I have also Added a sort of highlight white for the text and black box, making the text stand out, as for the main part 'no face shown' it is in gold making it really stand out and grab the audience attention. Also creates a feeling of curiousness to find out more and what it is about. The contrast between the font and the background would definitely bring the readers attention. Another very eye catchy element that would attract the audience attention is the use of pull quote which is placed directly within the text. The use of language within the pull quote "she's the reason behind my lyrics" is very strong and confident. I believe this would attract the audience as they would want to find out more about what he is saying in the interview. It makes the readers think he is a strong and confident character, and this is how the audience might want to be viewed.  Also due to the design and font it makes it stand out even more and therefore grabs the audience attention. 

Moreover, for my double page spread and front cover I tried to use personal pronouns as this is a common language technique used to attract readers attention. For example, 'YOU DECIDED' . This would definitely grab the readers attention as the magazine content is directly aimed at the reader, which means they would feel more engaged with the magazine as they are a part of it. 

Referring back to my contents page I have also used a few more techniques to grab my audience attention. The contrasting and simplistic colour scheme which really empahises the use of good aesthetics of the page. Also it makes it much easier for the reader to read the features, which means it would attract them to read the page. In addition, in this page is a division of the contents features, meaning is one of the common codes and conventions found within a contents page magazine. For surely this would attract the audience as again it would allow them to read it faster and easily. Allowing them to easily find what they want under each heading. This is supported due to large amount of pages placed on the side of the features, enabling the audience to easily find a particular page. To make it stand out even more I made the title in capital letters using a bold font in the colour burgundy which standout very well against the background, grey.

To conclude, I feel that with the various techniques I have used, including the features which were inspired by the answers I received form my survey and form existing magazines. Also the images and the language I used, I have managed to produce a professional magazine. This is because most of this was conventions of music magazines I have followed to produce a sophisticated outcome. I feel that I have managed to create this looking at my product which my audience would believe and buy the magazine.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Evaluation 4


The audio for evaluation 4

I have produced an audience analysis for my magazine, to identify who my magazine relates to most. With this information, it was much simpler for me when constructing my music magazine together, which enabled me to appeal to my target audience more successfully, as I will be discussing in more detail in my text evaluation. Most of my decisions for my magazine came from the respondents to my survey, which gave me some stimulus for thus particular social group. It also gave me a clear idea of what my target audience like and prefer within the magazine such as the different elements and style.

As I have already included the Market segmentation, here I will be going into more detail.
Market Segmentation:
My magazine is mainly aimed towards people around the ages of 16-24, both equal genders therefore 50/50. As see through my questionnaire the gender of respondents where around the same amount and the age I range I chose is also the majority. This is similar to Vibe magazine. My house style also represents both genders as the colours burgundy, black and white are liked by both genders. This is also evidenced in my questionnaire as one of my questions was what colours they mostly liked, and the majority picked dark colours which are the following that I have used for my house style. The typography also supports that my magazine is aimed at both genders. They are going to be students and semi-professionals, middle working class to lower. They will need to have some sort of disposable income and will be able to afford to pay £2.99 per month for my magazine. In terms of the general registrar scale, they are likely to be within the BCD sector. They will have semi-professional jobs as I mentioned before, for example cashier, junior managers through to plumbers, etc. They will also be in part time education or employment. They need to educated, will also have a particular interest in music, especially in the artists and music I have mentioned in my magazine. Some of which are Rihanna, Usher, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Justin Timerlake, Trey Songz, Alicia Keys, The weekend, Nicik Minaj, John Ledgend and much more similar R&B artists. 
My magazine is generally aimed around the UK and bigger cities such as London. This is because most of the concerts, content, live performances and elements included in my magazine are about the UK and will be occurring in the large cities and the UK. Also the places and venues these performances will be in my target audience will definitely be familiar with and know where they are. Not only that but most of the artist I have included in my magazine, which I have previously mentioned, such as Usher and Rihanna etc, have a heavy influence within the UK and R&B lovers. In addition, these artist are mainly appealing to my target audience, this is because they are more of the newer and younger generation, and their experimentation with R&B music. This way I am able o really attract and appeal to my target audience.  It will also be very easily for my target audience to get a hold of my magazine in London and larger countries, such as the UK, and attended concerts and events arraigned in these cities. I can support this through the cover line on my front cover '2 FREE tickets to Matt Blake's concert' which will be occurring in the UK, London.
In terms of the psychographic, my readers will be a mic of main streamers and aspires. This is because they will have some disposable money to be able to buy my magazine per month, for £2.99, which is similar to Vibe magazine and even cheaper. I made it cheaper because through my questionnaire my target audience were only willing to pay no more than £4 therefore I had to keep lower than this. So for that reason I made it £2,99. They will also be mainstreams as they will be inspired by some popular styles or brands of clothing worn by a wide range of people. However, it is also likely that they can be explorers, as my magazines ideology is knowing up coming events and news about R&B artists. They will also be more likely to enjoy attending concerts and events as there social activity. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Evaluation 3


In the researching process , I had conducted a lot of research into the different institutions and ideologies of magazines, which allows me to apply it here when choosing which media institution could distribute my media product. I have used Prezi for this evaluation as I believe it is the most suitable source to help me compare my ideas before coming to a conclusion.